Weekly Reading

Beneath The Surface

Questions for discussion/reflection:

1. What are some obstacles that can keep us from stepping forward spiritually?
2. Moses struggled beneath the surface in his leadership. What was his issue and how did this affect his ability to make wise decisions?
3. What is solitude? How does God use solitude to change people from within?
4. How can God use our failures to mold us into stronger people?
5. Do you feel stuck in an area of your life? How can God help you learn to take the next step forward?


  • God’s covenant with Israel
    • Genesis 12:1-3
    • Genesis 26:23-25
    • Genesis 28:10-22
  • How Israel got to Egypt
    • Genesis 46:1-17
  • The backstory of Moses
    • Exodus 1:2:10

Awake and Alert

Questions for discussion/reflection:

1. What are some common ways we might miss or overlook God’s work in our lives?
2. What do you think the burning bush symbolizes in Moses’ encounter with God, and how can we apply the lessons from this experience to our own lives when God calls us to something new or unexpected?
3. Pastor Jake talked about the difference between consolation and desolation:
  • Consolation – Interior movement of the heart that gives a deep sense of life-giving connections with God and others.
  • Desolation – Loss of a sense of God’s presence.
  • How can we learn to keep our minds focused on the presence of God in our life and avoid walking in darkness?

4. What does it mean for Moses to stand on holy ground in Exodus 3:5, and how can we apply the concept of ‘holy ground’ to our own lives in terms of encountering God’s presence and reverence in everyday situations?
5. How does the practice of paying attention awaken us to what God is doing through ordinary situations?


  • The Call of Moses
    • Exodus 3:11-4:17
    • Exodus 6:1-13
  • The Passover and Exodus
    • Exodus 12 and 14
  • God’s Provision
    • Exodus 16 and 17

Helping Others Along The Way

Questions for discussion/reflection:

  1. How had God prepared Moses to lead God’s people into the wilderness? (Go back and review the readings from weeks 1 and 2.)
  2. When we feel tempted to complain toward God, what does this action reveal from our hearts?
  3. How can we grow as we move forward when God reveals our struggles?
  4. Instead of reacting to the thirsty people of Israel, Moses turned to God for wisdom to move forward. How can we apply this experience to our own lives and to our experience together as a church family?
  5. How can God call each church member to help others on this spiritual journey?


  • References in scripture to Exodus 17
    • Psalm 95
    • Hebrews 3:7-19
  • Preparing for week 4
    • Exodus 17:8-16
    • Exodus 18
  • The Ten Commandments
    • Exodus 20:1-21